bondage it will represent freedom it will represent wealth it will represent legacy
your last name is going to change with you oh leave your last name in the comments
leave your last name up in the youtube comments and instagram comments if it watches take time i don't
care wherever you are leave your last name because today i'm praying over last names
[Music] while we're building these businesses and building these dreams and manifesting all our desires stress and
anxiety is a part of that so what exactly is the definition of love i have been an adult since i was
16. i definitely feel like i've transitioned into a better place mentally and another part of self-care
that part is important [Music]
what's happening [Music] pull up to the table
there are more than 20 million millionaires in the united states of america let me say this one more time
more than 20 million millionaires living in the us
today um and i'm sure that if you're watching this
you are either one or you can most definitely be the next one period all
right you see my friends at ramsey solutions did the largest studies of millionaires
um ever in the history of america and found out that most of them are hard-working self-made men and women
like yourself and for us you know that is actually good news for all of us people of color
minorities white people his you name it right because that means if we put in the work if if we are willing uh to
steward our money correctly we can all become millionaires
and you really don't need to make a lot of money doing it so in today's video i'm going to really
show you how 100 can make you one million dollars let me say this again how 100 can eventually
turn into one million dollars but you know what it starts
with you it starts with your mindset it starts
with how you see and how you react to money but you know when i think about
what we are doing and how we are doing things i'm really pumped um about what
life is bringing our way what lessons we're learning from life but before we get into today's show i'm going to ask
you just a couple of questions you know number one can you hit the subscribe button can you join the family can you
join our tribe because i am building a community of young people all people
minority people um who are passionate about having financial freedom and about
building wealth and about starting businesses and impacting lives so i want to personally invite you to be a part of
this family whether you're on the podcast side of things youtube side of things
you name it hit the subscribe button and then make sure while you're subscribing leave a comment if you're listening to
this on um podcast leave a review and the best review you can do on youtube is
leave me a thumbs up then number two you know when it comes to building wealth right when it comes to how is it that
millionaires are becoming millionaires a good part of it is they have a savings account they are not spending all of
their money they're saving and investing some of their money and one of the best ways you can save money0
going to be giving you the resources that will help you build wealth that will help you get out
of debt that will help you um avoid yourself to going back into debt
and one of those things is a prize pool you know one thing i love about prize pool is that they're gonna give you like
point thirty percent when it comes to the interest rate they're also gonna give you a ticket that goes towards
every single dollar so if you have ten thousand dollars in there today they're gonna give you ten thousand tickets if you have ten thousand dollars in it
tomorrow they're gonna give you another ten thousand tickets and these tickets at the end of every single week and at the end of every single month goes into
a prize all the way up to a grand prize you could win a hundred bucks 200 bucks 500 bucks 30 000 you name it just from
allowing your money to sit into the account but again we have a savings account so that we can actually save
money for emergencies so we can save money to go purchase things like a home and we're going to talk about some of that