absolutely nothing
that my rock stars is the question of
the century and here is why not all of
us were born to be hard workers
not all of us are Hustlers and
definitely not all of us were built for
the grind
and not all of us want Financial Freedom
some of us want to make just enough to
survive which is why the question
continues to be asked how to make money
doing absolutely nothing you see easy
money it's a culture and laziness it's a
character trait and it is real my rock
stars some of us want something that's
very simple that does not take us
outside of our comfort zone and even
something that doesn't require us to get
out of bed uh-huh it's true and you know
what my rock stars we don't say it's
because we are lazy of course not it's
because we are Carefree we are relaxed
we are work shy yes there's such a word
as work shy and that we are leisurely
and Frankly Speaking I don't endorse
laziness but I also try never to judge
especially since some of the world's
greatest Innovations were either created
or inspired by lazy people let me give
you an example think about the TV remote
control or the remote control in general
can you imagine a time in your life
where you are walking to the TV turning
it on turning up the volume and flipping
channels you know what my rock stars
I'm even starting to believe that I too
I'm lazy because I can't fathom not
havi15 laziest ways to make
money actually up to a hundred US
dollars per day and some of them are
online some of them are offline some of
them will actually make you passive
income and allow you to make money while
you sleep the irony in being lazy and
making money while you sleep but what is
consistent with all 15 is that they will
require little to no effort for you to
make money remember my rock stars we
don't judge others on this channel
Different Strokes for different folks
this may not be your cup of tea because
you don't consider yourself lazy but it
doesn't hurt to watch because I'm gonna
share a few things that even you despite